Better Virtual Workplace Communication Skills

One of our all-time most popular blog posts is our 10 Workplace Communication Skills article. With the evolution of the office over the last couple of years, YK Communications thought it was important to offer up similar information about virtual workplace communication. Effective communication skills are becoming more important in the workplace as face-to-face communication […]
Identifying A Business Bandwidth Issue

Office Superhero Series: YK Communications is taking current and future customers on a journey to discover how they can become a superhero in their workplace when it comes to business technology. Join us as we walk through identifying and solving common frustrations surrounding business internet and office tech. As businesses grow, IP phone lines ring […]
Business Spotlight: JCHD EMS in Ganado

The Jackson County Hospital District Emergency Medical Service (JCHD EMS) provides pre-hospital care to the citizens of Jackson County. Its approximately 3,000-square-foot Ganado station was built in 2017 and includes two ambulance bays, two Mobile Intensive Care Unit (MICU) ambulances, and living and working spaces. Director James Sudik says, “MICU ambulances are equipped at the highest […]
The Impact of Rural Broadband on Small Business

It seems that high-speed internet is everywhere these days, with Wi-Fi hotspots open at every coffee shop and restaurant in town. Unfortunately, while this may be the reality for urban and suburban areas, there are many rural areas that are lacking the infrastructure or support for high-speed internet. Even worse, many people in these areas […]
10 Communication Skills for Workplace Success

Sometimes the most important thing at work is what you’re working with – the right phones, the right internet, and even the perfect orientation of desks. Sometimes it’s not as simple as that – sometimes your success is completely dependent on effective communication skills. See below for a few things you should focus on in […]
8 Things You Didn’t Know About Microsoft Outlook

We’re all about making life easier – especially when it comes to high-speed internet, business systems, and workflow. So what’s left now that you’ve got the best broadband and voice service bundled in your office? Some nifty and time-saving email tricks! Here’s our list of things you (probably) didn’t know about Microsoft Outlook: 1. Public […]
Loving It Local: Giveaways, Graduates, and Goings On – Ganado, Markham, and Louise

YK Communications has been busy! We’re proud to support the communities we serve, and the last month has been a testament to our mission. We’ve had an exciting time offering giveaways, honoring local high school graduates from Ganado, Tidehaven, and Louise schools, hosting special events, and supporting youth sports. We hope you’re following along with […]
15 Ways Broadband Improves Our Rural Community #ruraliscool

On April 20th, 2016, Hudson Institute released “The Economic Impact of Rural Broadband,” a report commissioned by the Foundation for Rural Service (FRS). That got us thinking, how many community benefits can we list? We know that towns like Ganado, Louise, Markham and others in the Jackson, Wharton, and Matagorda county area are making use […]