The Impact of Rural Broadband on Small Business

It seems that high-speed internet is everywhere these days, with Wi-Fi hotspots open at every coffee shop and restaurant in town. Unfortunately, while this may be the reality for urban and suburban areas, there are many rural areas that are lacking the infrastructure or support for high-speed internet. Even worse, many people in these areas […]

Fiber Networks: The Benefits Over Traditional Copper

Everything gets updated in the tech world. Updates to your iPhone, updates to the apps on your phone, new features, more RAM, and every other advancement in between. Occasionally, you have to stop and wonder ‘why?’ Is technology actually advancing or is it merely progress for the sake of progress? One phenomenon in particular is near […]

Tech Explained: What is WiFi and How Does it Work?

We’re well into the new year, and like the last several years prior, 2017 is sure to bring us new technological advances. Some are still unfamiliar with the “how” and “why” of certain internet protocols, or how things are syncing up around them. So today, we thought we would dive into the wonder that is […]

YK Makes It Easy: Choosing the Right Internet Speed

10 Mbps Down. 20 Mbps Down. 50 Mbps Down. Everyone got that? Are you ready to pick an internet package? Most people would say “no,” coupled with a look of confusion and exasperation. Choosing your internet can be not only daunting, but time consuming. YK Communications is here to help. Let’s figure this out together, […]

15 Ways Broadband Improves Our Rural Community #ruraliscool

On April 20th, 2016, Hudson Institute released “The Economic Impact of Rural Broadband,” a report commissioned by the Foundation for Rural Service (FRS). That got us thinking, how many community benefits can we list? We know that towns like Ganado, Louise, Markham and others in the Jackson, Wharton, and Matagorda county area are making use […]

The Top 5 Thanksgiving Weekend Activities Require an Internet Connection

Technology and Thanksgiving fun go hand in hand. Sharing just a few ways your YK Communications high speed Internet connection can stuff your holiday with family fun. YOUR YK FRIENDS SAY  HAPPY THANKSGIVING! 1. GATHERING AROUND THE  TABLE Some of the most special Thanskgiving memories are around the table — learning to set the table, […]

Classroom Creativity Is Being Redefined by Technology

Faster Internet is fortifying today’s teachers with numerous fresh starts, creating increased sharing of information. In seconds full, audio option libraries appear on tablets and computer screens. Students grow through wider experiences, tapping the imagination and allowing them to react responsively. There is a natural responsiveness to accumulating knowledge when more people are connected. Broadband […]